
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tax cuts? Moi?

The Largest Job-killing, family killing, economy-killing Tax increases are looming.
But the Democrats are frozen with fear. If they vote to keep the tax cuts they can’t play their Class Warfare envy card,It’s worked for them for decades and gotten them a lot of power, and their base of mindless sheep will sheer them if they do.
They have whole generations of people that are slaves to to their will.
They like that. They want more of that.
But they know it will hurt them politically if they let them them expire.
They know, intrinsically, how much damage it will do.
So they try to mitigate it by trying to have their cake and eat it too.
We’ll only raise them on “the rich”. After all, the class envy weapon is one of their favourites.
Fear, jealousy, envy,greed, dependence. They love them all.
Problem is, that isn’t working either.
So, let’s do absolutely nothing before the election. Then we can give everyone Lame Duck Poisoning.
And it won’t matter. At least to them.
Now, that’s REAL Leadership!

With just weeks to go before the midterm elections, Americans have made it clear they don’t want their taxes raised. So what do congressional Democrats do? Nothing — at least until the elections are over.
For months, Democrats have hammered Republicans for trying to keep President Bush’s tax cuts in place for everyone, not just the middle class and those who no longer pay taxes. That would be a “giveaway to the rich,” they contend. But guess what? Most Americans don’t see it that way.
In a recent Fox News/Opinion Dynamics Poll, 63% want the Bush-era tax cuts — now set to expire at year-end — to remain in place. In the latest IBD/TIPP Poll, 48% favor making the cuts permanent vs. 30% opposed. And as for taxes on the rich, an AP-GfK Poll found that 39% support letting taxes go up only on those earning over $250,000, but 44% oppose the idea.
Hence, the Democrats’ dilemma: Either way they vote, they’ll anger a large chunk of the electorate — at a time when they need all the votes they can get to keep from being swept out of power.
So rather than hold an up-or-down vote on a tax bill that reflects their true beliefs, Democrats are postponing any action until after the elections. Obviously they know that what they really want to do will be wildly unpopular, and perhaps cost them seats.
But Americans know what they want, too, and they’ll see through the politics Democrats are playing with the economy at a time we can least afford it.
If they’ve decided to hike taxes during a lame-duck session of Congress after the election, they sure shouldn’t keep it secret. If people feel lied to during the election, they won’t be very happy. Democrats need to let their intentions be known — or face the wrath of the voters later.
If they think they can raise taxes on everyone or slap the “rich” with higher taxes and get away with it, they might be surprised. Ultimately, this will be a politically self-defeating strategy, making their far-left voter base happy but sacrificing middle-of-the-road Democrats who want to see the economy create jobs again.
Taxing the rich sounds good on paper or as a sound-bite in the left-dominated mainstream media, but it’s the rich who create businesses and do most of the hiring in this country. Tax these entrepreneurs and you tax jobs — the last thing we need after losing 8 million in three years.
As economist Curtis Dubay of the Heritage Foundation has noted, tax hikes on the rich “will slow down economic growth and job creation while the economy struggles to recover from a steep recession . .. (and) will hurt Americans at all income levels.”
Running a standard econometric model, Dubay estimates that letting taxes rise just on the rich, as President Obama and Senate Democrats propose, will cost the economy 7 million jobs over the next decade — and nearly $720 billion, or $6,000 per household, in income.
That’s an awful price to pay for envy. Before voting this fall, Americans should pin down their representatives on where they stand on tax cuts. Republicans have put out their Pledge to America, so you know what they stand for. What about the Democrats? (IBD)

And As if that wasn’t enough, The Democrats have decided on an Armageddon strategy as well, poisoning the well.
Leave nothing behind.
Unleash The Democrat A-Bomb.
The Ad-Hominem Bomb.
NewYork Times- WASHINGTON — Democratic candidates across the country are opening a fierce offensive of negative advertisements against Republicans, using lawsuits, tax filings, reports from the Better Business Bureau and even divorce proceedings to try to discredit their opponents and save their congressional majority.
Opposition research and attack advertising are deployed in almost every election, but these biting ads are coming far earlier than ever before, according to party strategists. The campaign has intensified in the past two weeks as early voting begins in several states and as vulnerable incumbents try to fight off an onslaught of influences by outside groups.
Metaphorically and politically, KILL EVERYONE!
If we can’t rule, no one can!
Say Anything, but do nothing.
Now’s that’s real leadership!
And when that doesn’t work, just LIE.

LAS VEGAS – Rep. Dina Titus has been a loyal soldier in pushing the Democrats’ ambitious agenda, voting for health care legislation, extended unemployment benefits, new energy taxes and a repeal of the military’s ban on gays serving openly.
Her campaign signs, however, proclaim Titus an “independent voice” for Nevadans.
Aware that their stock has taken the same tumble as home values, Congress’ most vulnerable Democrats are declaring their independence from their party’s agenda in Facebook profiles, television advertisements, news interviews and campaign websites leading up to the Nov. 2 election. That’s when Republicans hope to retake control of the House they lost four years ago.
Titus and others have raised eyebrows for carrying water for Obama in vote after vote, only to pivot and say they are not beholden to a party.

“I’m an independent”. I voted for every single piece of the radical leftist socialism, but I’m an “independent”.
As an actual, independent I should sue them for defamation of character. The grand fraud they hope to perpetrate with the help of the Ministry of Truth is truly mind-blowing.
So, now,  you’re now too stupid to recognize the fraud, and the lies.

So what was the President’s response to the Republican’s Ideas (remembering that they are the “party of no” and “have no ideas” according to The President, The Liberal Media, and The Democrats) about cutting spending and less government?
“It is grounded in the same worn-out philosophy: cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires; cut the rules for Wall Street and the special interests; and cut the middle class loose to fend for itself,” Obama said.
“That’s not a prescription for a better future. It’s an echo of a disastrous decade we can’t afford to relive.”
I could have written it myself and it would have sounded the same. It’s the same old hackneyed class warfare talking points.  Bush’s fault. Nothing of substance.
Yadda Yadda Yadda….
What we can’t afford to relive Mr. President is your last 20 months!

See also:

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