
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Monday, June 28, 2010

Can I have My "Hope and Change" back, Mr. President?

But first, see this video by Gov. Brewer on the Obama Administration response to her meeting with them:

President Obama at the G20, where the European Socialists told him to piss off about more spending.
President Obama on controlling the debt: “Somehow people say, why are you doing that, I’m not sure that’s good politics. I’m doing it because I said I was going to do it and I think it’s the right thing to do. People should learn that lesson about me because next year when I start presenting some very difficult choices to the country, I hope some of these folks who are hollering about deficits and debt step-up because I’m calling their bluff. We’ll see how much of that, how much of the political arguments that they’re making right now are real and how much of it was just politics.”
So Hope and Change is now Fear & Threat. :)
“Yes He Can”
But what’s really telling also is the statement that I’m doing it because I said I would. And he did say he would.
But the Mainstream Media/Ministry of Truth shouted down anyone who dared to challenge him on it in the campaign.
You were a “racist” a “moron”, an “idiot”, etc.
Now, he’s run up the debt to the point of countrywide bankruptcy and now just wait, in 6 months, the hard work begins!
Likely by then he’ll have a Republican Congress that he claim it all on.
But that’s next year.
He still has to pass Cap & Trade and Amnesty if he can before that.
The government already owns Health Care, slowly but surely, that starts accelerating next year too.
As do all the new tax increase, which, what do you bet the Liberals and the Media will blame that on the Republicans.
I’m Mr. Tough Guy! :)

Alinsky Rules for Radicals Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. “You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”

He’s well aware of the political price and he wants the Republicans to take the blame for it.
And he wants your anger at the Democrats to make it so.
Perverse isn’t it?
Which means we do it in spades and then we pass the tax cuts, the pro-growth measures and it works and then He can try and run on it’s success in 2012 but the Democrats will be left out in the cold. It’s not like their leftist base will be smart enough to “get it”.
They’ve been waiting generations for this guy.

So he’s going to make “tough decisions” next year. What about the last 18th months?
He’s going to wait 2 years to make “tough decisions”??
I Guess 3 Stimulus, 18 months of Unemployment spending, Taking over GM,Chrysler,AIG,Banks, Health Care, and now Wall Street and Private Businesses was the easy part. :)
Making you pay for it, that’s the “tough decision”.
But since it’s likely to be a Republican Congress that will have to pull the trigger, it will be their fault.
It was their fault he had to everything he has done. So trying to undue it must therefore be their fault too!! :)
because if they were hard choices why doesn’t he make them now?
Oh, right this Congress wouldn’t dare.
Alinsky Rules for Radicals Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. “You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”
The Ministry of Truth will surely pound them them 24/7 so hard it will be the only thing they talk about for the next 2 years.
The 2012 campaign continues. (It never stopped).
But all those who want wanted “Hope & Change”, got “Despair and Socialist Change”.
Now you get “Fear and Change”.

Obama has proposed freezing spending on an array of domestic programs for the next three years and has named a special commission to recommend ways to curb spiraling debt and deficits. The panel is to report back by December 1. Obama will review the recommendations and decide how to go forward sometime early next year.
So when the “commission” recommends massive tax hikes and crushing regulations his hands will be clean and he’ll just do what they advised.
But it won’t come out until AFTER the election.
And this was the stated reason for the Democrats not passing a Budget.
“We’ve got to look at a tax system that is messy and unfair in a whole range of ways,” Obama said. (reuters)
Aka, screw the rich.
After all nearly 50% of the people don’t pay any taxes, so he has to hit the ones who do even harder.

“A strong and durable recovery also requires countries not having an undue advantage,” he said. “As I told (Chinese) President Hu Jintao yesterday, the United States welcomes China’s decision to allow its currency to appreciate in response to market forces. We will be watching very closely in the months ahead.”
Everyone is equal. None is better than anyone else.
Sound familiar?

Leaders of 20 major industrial and developing countries generally sided with cutting spending and raising taxes, despite warnings from President Barack Obama that too much austerity too quickly could choke off the global recovery.
“Serious challenges remain,” they cautioned in a closing statement. “While growth is returning, the recovery is uneven and fragile, unemployment in many countries remains at unacceptable levels, and the social impact of the crisis is still widely felt,” according to the document from the Group of 20 major industrial and developing nations.
Obama told a news conference he was satisfied with the outcome, saying he recognized that countries had to proceed at their own pace in either emphasizing growth or budget austerity.
“We can’t all rush to the exits at the same time,” Obama said after three days of economic summitry.
Boy, don’t you wish you could show him the exit sooner! :)

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