
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Saturday, June 12, 2010

Crisis Inverted

He’s just so darn presidential. You better know who I’m talking about . . . because if you don’t, I know whose ass to kick.
In a recent interview with NBC’s “Today” show, President Obama said this: “I don’t sit around talking to experts because this is a college seminar. We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick.” Scoot over, Gettysburg Address. There’s a new No. 1 speech in town.
Some have been oddly surprised by the president’s unpresidential approach. Here are a few possible reasons why they’re so shocked:
  1. They were asleep when Obama said this in July of 2009 with respect to the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr.: “Now, I don’t know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts . . . But I think it’s fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly. . . ” (So what if he didn’t have the facts! What’s next, people? Are you going to insist that he read laws before publicly condemning them? You right-wing extremists!)
  2. They took their dog for a walk and missed Obama’s commentary in April of 2010 regarding Palin’s critique of his administration’s nuclear policy: “I really have no response to that. The last I checked, Sarah Palin is not much of an expert on nuclear issues.” (Translation: She’s no match for me. She may have run a state and been Chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, but did she vote “present” nearly 130 times as a state senator? I think not.)
  3. They were busy cooking and didn’t catch Obama saying this to John McCain at the health care summit in February of 2010: “Let me just make this point, John, because we’re not campaigning anymore. The election’s over.” (Translation: I won. You lost. Nani nani poo poo.)
  4. They were enjoying a film at the corner theatre and missed Obama saying this in August of 2009: “ . . . I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them just to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess.” (In other words, hand over your money and shut the heck up.)
  5. They were hanging out at a local café and didn’t hear our president’s complete (and disturbing, in my opinion) mischaracterization of the new Arizona immigration law in April of 2010: “ . . . you can imagine if you are a Hispanic American in Arizona, your great, great grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state. But now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you’re going to be harassed . . . ” (Translation: I don’t have to read pertinent documents. I went to Harvard. Enough said.)
If you’ve been paying attention since day one, Obama’s tone with respect to the oil spill shouldn’t be in the least bit shocking. I just wish he wasn’t so busy playing the role of big man on campus. Maybe then he would’ve had time this year to hear the majority of Americans oppose his health care law and/or support Arizona’s immigration law. But hey, with golf and Bush-hating Paul McCartney to fit in, let’s cut him some slack.
As an entertaining side note, Obama was recently asked to respond to comments made by BP CEO Tony Hayward, including “I’d like my life back” and “ . . . everything we can see at the moment suggests that the overall environmental impact will be very, very modest.” Hayward’s comments were distasteful at best, but check out what Obama had to say in reply: “He wouldn’t be working for me after any of those statements.” Culture of Corruption author Michelle Malkin must have enjoyed a full-on fit of laughter after that one.
Mr. President, it’s not presidential to make bold public statements based on assumptions, without taking the time to do your research. It’s not presidential to essentially tell a whole bunch of Americans to sit down and shut up. It’s not presidential to condescend to a war hero and long-standing American Senator. And while we’re at it, it’s not any more presidential to repeatedly blast Fox News than it was to have joked during the 2008 presidential campaign that, “I’ll put Mr. Burgess up against Sean Hannity. He’ll tear him up.”
Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I’d like my president to act like one. Save the ass-kicking for someone else.(Jedediah Bila)

Didn’t he remind you of the nerdy kid trying to sound like the tough kid? Or of that bad actor who says his lines with no conviction whatsover?
Now next week, Obama has “summoned” the CEO of BP to his office for a dressing down so that he can look tough.
Problem is, I’ve seen better acting on Star Trek: Voyager (and anyone who knows me how much I hate that show!).
But the Ministry of  Truth will do their best to create Mr. Bad Ass. Mr Can Do. Mr I’m Involved and I Care.
But, like most things with this President, it will ultimately ring very hollow.
I’m not going to defend BP, but they sure as hell are doing more than this President about it.
I mean, this President has refused help from 13 countries! 13!!
President Obama is impeding clean-up efforts in the Gulf by kowtowing to unions and members of the American maritime industry, critics have charged in recent days. At issue is the president’s refusal to waive the Jones Act, a century-old law that effectively bars foreign-owned ships from moving between U.S. ports, a necessary component of participating in the cleanup effort.
When asked why President Obama hasn’t waived the Jones Act — which President Bush put on hold to facilitate Katrina rescue efforts — White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said a suspension wasn’t necessary.
Not Necessary!!!????!!!!
Well, we wouldn’t want to Obama to annoy they only people left who love him, Unions.
That’s vastly more important than actually do everything you can to solve the problem!
Heaven forbid you make the Unions mad at you! :(
And then there was the enviromental impact study that the government had to take a month to do to study the effects of putting sand berms in the way of the advancing oil and when all was said and done approve less than  what the Governor of Louisiana asked for because of concerns over the long term impact.
Too little too late.
And these are the guys  you want running Health Care??!! :(
Yeah, sand berms are far worse for the environment that raw crude oil by the millions  of gallons!! :(
There was a manufacturer in Maine who makes oil booms. He has a million yards ready to go, but neither BP or Obama will buy them!
There was even a Science guy on FOX last night that showed a poly-blended cloth that if you pour oil and water through it it retains the oil and the water is strained out cleanly.
But no one wants to here from him.
Territorial  Political Testosterone at it’s finest.
So one has to conclude that the only reason Obama cares, or appears to at all, is because  of politics.
That’s it.
He doesn’t actually want to solve the problem.
That does not interest him at all.
But the Crisis, now that’s an opportunity!
Never Waste a Good Crisis. — Rahm Emmanuel :)
“Don’t be fooled by Obama’s ‘incompetence’,” warns Stu Tarlowe in a provocative post at the American Thinker blog. “If you think the Gulf oil spill spells trouble for Obama, you’re just not looking at as big a picture as he’s looking at, and you just don’t realize how much trouble we’re all in.”
Tarlowe cites the Cloward-Piven Strategy, which was developed by two Columbia University sociology professors as a way to use political and economic chaos to achieve their radical ends. When viewed through this lens, what the rest of the nation views as a political disaster for Obama could be an opportunity instead.
“…If the oil spill in the Gulf manages to destroy the fishing and tourist industries in that region, shut down oil drilling, raise the price of oil and of food all over the country, and bring more and more Americans to a financial breaking point and thus dependent on food stamps and other government programs, Obama and Co. will smile and nod at one another,” Tarlowe predicts.
Obama’s own behavior indicates that Tarlowe may be right. The president reiterated his cap-and-trade case yesterday, amid another pitch for ending tax breaks for Big Oil and giving them to Big Environmentalists Doing Alternative Energy Projects to push America back into the 19th century.
“…The only way the transition to clean energy will ultimately succeed is if the private sector is fully invested in this future — if capital comes off the sidelines and the ingenuity of our entrepreneurs is unleashed.  And the only way to do that is by finally putting a price on carbon pollution,” Obama said during a speech at Carnegie Mellon University.
“The House of Representatives has already passed a comprehensive energy and climate bill, and there is currently a plan in the Senate – a plan that was developed with ideas from Democrats and Republicans – that would achieve the same goal.  And, Pittsburgh, I want you to know, the votes may not be there right now, but I intend to find them in the coming months,” the president added.
If Obama is indeed following the Cloward-Piven game plan, he will use the BP oil spill crisis to his advantage by forcing the passage of the ruinous cap and trade bill through the Senate before the November elections. (washington examiner)
The end justifies the means.
Since Global Warming and Global Climate Change have crashed he needs a new champion cry to get Cap & Trade rammed down your throats!
OIL!! :)
The Agenda is The Agenda.
And they have to get as much done before November as they can.
Anything that puts a greater strain on government services — and the inability of those services, through incompetence and complex bureaucracy to actually improve things – advances the goals of Cloward-Piven. The more desperate and demoralized the American people become, and the more preoccupied we are with simple survival, the better our new “leaders” like it, and the closer they get to assuming total and complete control of every aspect of our lives.
It explains that even the patently unconstitutional laws and policies implemented by the Obama regime are a deliberate part of the strategy, because in addition to using financial crises to bring about the desired changes in our way of life, it is necessary to render our Constitution impotent and irrelevant. (American Thinker)
So when you are paying $8 for gas and your electric bill triples due to new regulations and taxes under the guise of “dealing with our dependence on fossil fuels”-oil specifically, you’ll be politically incorrect and shouted down as insensitive if you want to drill for our own oil off our own shores.
“Green energy” or Bust!
Because, then he has you, literally, over a barrel.
The implications of this are irrelevant. Because it’s all about the power.
Now, that’s Politics, The Chicago Way. :)

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