
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Hit and Run Moralist

Yesterday, I was at the Phoenix Convention Center with thousand of other geeks and nerds having a good time celebrating what we all love, and even if we don’t know anything about it (Anime and Cosplay) we could all just have a good time in the company of others.
A few miles away were the hit-and-run “moralists” who want to preach about how much they hate us.
And how much we are bad people.
Well, I’m glad I was in a place where actually love and passion were celebrated instead of where passions dark side was on full display.
Well, when it was time to leave and all the little busy bodies, safe in their sanctimony had left, I got back to my car that was parked on the street.
And lo and Behold, the little “moralists” had spammed my car with their double-sided pontifications of superior “morality”.
It’s two pages of  bile, so I understand if at some point you bail out. But if you read the whole thing you will get a better sense of the nonsense that is faced by the rational people of this country.
Their text has not been altered in anyway. The snarky commentary is mine.
Titled: “Why is 1070B racist & who is promoting this as positive”
Nice Title. Very calm, rational, and willing to listen to all sides.
Line#1, Sentence #1: “Because it is fueled by hate and a desire to hurt people.”
Does any rational person need to even read anymore? I mean really?
“This bill has huge support of hate groups and hate group membership has grown as a result of this movement”.
That would be the 70% of Arizonans and the 60% of Americans who support SB1070, right?
So you’re all Racists! You all Haters! You’re all meeting in secret rooms to plot the pain, torture and destruction of Hispanics!
So you better clean that bed sheet!
“By the way, these hate groups are arming themselves with dangerous weapons.”
They would be the ones from the Mexican gangs, drug lords and cartels now would they?
And to finish out just the first paragraph of this little ditty, an overt threat, “I thing {sic} they failed to realize is that hispanics have a right to arm themselves, as well”
Probably with the same guns from the mexican gangs. :(
It get’s better, “This is about white republican Christians & Catholics preaching love and hope but practicing hate and fear”
The “arm ourselves” was not fear, mind you. When a liberal threatens you they do it with love and understanding, near fear and intimidation.
“Just Like the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood”. Even Hitler and Saddam thought they were doing GOD’s will. They talk more about hell than heaven and prey on people’s fears”.
And these “moralists” of course are NOT playing on fear at all. Intimidation, no way.
Now comes an amusing point where the writer of this screed complains about stereotyping, but continues stereotyping themselves.
“The republican party has adopted this strategy of picking the worse {sic} hispanics and using it to label the entire hispanic community. Kind of  like picking a meth dealing user from a trailer park and then announcing that all whites are trailer park meth-dealing users as a whole.
“The true motive is to keep hispanics from voting because most hispanics vote democratic and the number of hispanics is growing. They want you to think they’re afraid of the illegals but in reality they are afraid of the legal hispanics who can vote.”
That would be why the Democrats, and many Republicans, want to pander to you. But it’s not the reason.
“These are the people who will lie, cheat and rob and will accuse you of lying, cheating and stealing in order to divert attention from themselves.”
Orwell would be proud of this “moralist”.
Since the chance is extremely likely that they never read the Law and never intend to because it would ruin their “moral” sanctimony I’d call their preaching a lie, wouldn’t you?
“How can you trust that law enforcement will ethically and morally use this new law properly when Arapaio is already abusing people’s rights without this law.”
The assumption is that all cops are out to get you. And if they stop you it’s not because you were violating the law, it’s because you’re hispanic. That’s it. Nothing more.
This kind of attitude led me to sarcastically proclaim on a message board some months ago that the solution to all of this “racial tension” was to pass a law saying that Hispanics cannot be prosecuted for any reason for anything. Period.
No matter what they do: Rape, Murder, drug dealing, jaywalking –it doesn’t matter.
That way, it can’t be racist and they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, because they want.
Utopia Awaits!  <>
Now back to reality.
“They did this to blacks, to the native americans, and now hispanics. This is the same group want to revert to old times == {sic} slavery and removal of women’s rights.”
But President Obama taking over industry after industry and taking over our lives bit by bit is ok. :)
At least he’s not a racist white christian republican!! :(
“They think they can only stay up by keep others down”
Remember, Liberals NEVER EVER USE FEAR TACTICS!! :)
Next will be blacks and native americans == {sic}… What? Again!! :)
“…the illegal alien argument is a cover for their hatred and bigotry.”
The writer’s obvious hatred and bigotry notwithstanding… :)
“Yes, they hate blacks even more. AZ was the last state to adopt the MLK holiday.”
Thanks to a DEMOCRAT Governor, the late Evan Mecham, who was later impeached for improper use of state money.
“Unpick a Niny” was a popular cry back then because this was a DEMOCRAT governor who referred to blacks as “picaninnys” and was generally a total embarrassment.
And the main man behind the Recall, a Gay man. :)
Bet the unnamed writer of this waste of a tree either didn’t know this or didn’t care. Or Both.
If they are locals they were probably the “mechamites” of the day.
“Hispanics and blacks need to register on time so that Jan Brewer & Russell Pearce don’t have an excuse to have them chasing ppwk {sic} in order to prevent them from voting or delaying their vote until after the elections are over. Don’t give in and let them violate your legal right to vote <>”
Gee, may it’s ACORN that wrote this, they are the experts in fraud after all.
But is when the real hate-fest begins!! :)
“Isn’t Russel Pearce the one who associates with JT ready the neo-nazi supporter.”
But it’s nice to see it took nearly 3/4 of a page to get to that “N” word. :)
“Russell Pearce used to e-mail his friends Nazi National Alliance Material. Russell Pearce also appreciated “operation Wetback”. Russell Pearce is a racist who has used his position to put fear in republicans and az {sic} to pass his hatred through political manuevering:
But since it was a New Times blogger address it gives you a clue to the identity and the way out there nature of this writer. If you’re an insane leftist and make Hugo Chavez look like a mormon, The Phoenix New Times is for you!
Can’t you just feel the love!
Remember, Liberals NEVER EVER USE FEAR TACTICS!! :)
“How about Russell’s buddy Rusty Childress, Mr Kobach & does Mr. Pullen ring a bell? Mr Kobach (works for FAIR, a national hate group who believe blacks are “a retrograde species of humanity”)…
FYI: Rusty Childress is an Illegal Alien activist. Randy Pullen is the head of the AZ Republican Party.
Ah, more of that Liberal love, tolerance, and understanding!
Remember, Liberals NEVER EVER USE FEAR TACTICS!! :)
Do a google search for that phrase and the first thing that pops up is an “article” on Media Matters website. This would be the website run by the far-left to smear anyone and anything they dislike. They rest of the first page are also left-wing bloggers.
You’ll find the quote in this reference: “As Media Matters has noted, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the CCC “has described blacks as ‘a retrograde species of humanity,’ compared singer Michael Jackson to an ape, and promoted neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial materials.” (2006)
So where is FAIR in this? (FAIR = Federation of American Immigration Reform)
It’s not, it’s just tarring that white trailer park meth dealer… :)
…helped draft SB1070, mentors Joe Arapaio and is leading the training of MCSO illegal alien identification program.
FYI: MCSO,  Maricopa County Sherriff’s Office.
It’s a Conspiracy of  HATE! AND FEAR! :)
Remember, Liberals NEVER EVER USE FEAR TACTICS!! :)And they don’t hate you because you’re different, they hate you because you’re not in lock-step with whatever they say. Period.
“The approval rating of this bill is high but why? The polls are, typically, wrong because mostly older conservatives who are bored have the time to complete these surveys.”
Now you’re a bored white trailer park meth dealer… :)
“Older conservatives who no one calls gladly complete the survey- they will talk to anyone who calls them”
Ah, Liberal contempt. It warms their hearts and their ‘superior morality’.
“Most working America {sic} is too busy to complete the survey.”
Yeah, because the Democrats keep wanting to “redistribute” my wealth that doesn’t exist but since I’m a white trailer park meth dealer I must be punished for my sins against even poorer people.
“This in actuality affects others thinking ‘I guess my voice does not count so I will side with them’ Your voice does count.”
Isn’t that what THIS writer wants to begin with?
Only, it’s ok for them, but not for us.
“There are lots of older people who live here and they will always vote republican and support the sherriff because they are living in fear and that’s what the republican party wants them to think. OMG {sic},the republican party, alone, can keep them safe.”
Remember, Liberals NEVER EVER USE FEAR TACTICS!! :)
“These are the same people who will never accept a black president”
Well, it took an entire page to get to this leftist talking point. :)
“They would rather have a terrible republican president (BUSH) than a good black president (OBAMA)”
How about a good president, period? :)
Nah…let’s continue with the race card.
“I’ve heard them say that the constitution should have included that “no niggers” can occupy the position of president”
Heresay from that white trailer park meth dealer no doubt!!
“It’s not about the birth certificate it is about hate and bigotry”
Lefist talk point #107: “Birthers”.
And what does any other this malarky have to do with Illegal Immigration, if I may ask from my porch of the trailer with loaded shotgun ready to get me a wetback or two??  :(  (that last bit was sarcasm for those who are liberally impaired)
“These are the same people who oppose interracial marriage but never admit it in public. They’ve been heard telling other whites to make sure they marry other whites only (in professional office environments)”
That would be the white trailer park meth dealers around the water cooler plotting the destruction of all non-whites, right?
Remember, Liberals NEVER EVER USE FEAR TACTICS!! :)
“They have gotten a lot of support because they’ve allowed extreme gun rights and are leading people to believe that they will legalize marijuana”
HUH? We are so far off course that even Amelia Earhardt would get lost on this one.
“This has created more support from young, independent and some democrat voters (child molester the lollipop scenario).”
So now the white trailer park meth dealer is handing out lollipop and marijuana to entice you into a world sin! :)
“This is a cover to get them to support their racist agenda. When is it right to hate hispanics and accept marijuana == {sic} it is a political blindfolding. Supports {sic} us on this and we’ll let you arm yourself and smoke pot (it doesn’t have to be said, that is how it appears from the outside looking in)”
Anyone dying for hit after trying to get your head around that babble? :)
“They call abortions murder but they don’t hesitate to destroy and separate  families to advance their political careers. They do this to make you think they are of high ethics and morals. Yet they will sell out to lobby representatives like whores for hire”
The Nebraska Kickback anyone? The  Louisiana Purchase?
“They are against gays and for family but most have been unfaithful to their spouses just not gotten caught (Or bet up their wife- Russell?). They push you against gays to make you think their ethics and morals are above yours.”
And this diatribe by you (the writer) is designed to do what exactly? Prove that you’re superior to the white trailer park meth pot lollipop dealer? :)
FYI: The charges of Russell Pearce beating his wife came from…<> a Phoenix New Times Blogger!
AZ Republic: 7/23/2008
The document is 28-years-old, but it raises a lot of questions about Republican Russell Pearce.
In a public document dated 1980 the state representative’s wife Luanne wants a divorce and goes on to claim Russell often beats her and shoves her. One incident in February details a clash at their former Mesa home where Luanne says Russell grabbed her by the throat and threw her down.
The sometimes controversial New Times weekly broke the story. They even posted the public document on their website. Since it is an election year we spoke to democrats who deny they had anything to do with the release of the document. Pearce’s republican opponent Kevin Gibbons did not answer calls.
Alinsky would be proud of you my son. Only, the mud didn’t stick. They are still happily married, by the way.
Two paragraphs to go. As Dr. Smith on “Lost in Space” would say, “oh the the pain…”
“So republicans complain about anchor babies and the costs. How about GE, how much money did they make and much in taxes did they pay (made lots of money and paid $0 in Us Taxes). Oh don’t go there because we get good lobby money from GE…”
So now we have the classic Liberal Class Warfare divide-and-conquer, Anti-corporate talking point!
At least point trying to point out errors in logic is like trying to count the stars in the sky one by one!
…republicans complain of the low paying jobs that americans are not willing to do at the wages the employers off.
Those greedy capitalist pigs!
Gee, I thought that was the democrats. And with 9.9% unemployment to boot!
“What about all the middle class jobs that the Bush administration outsourced to India and the Philipines {sic}. republicans complain about pennies while letting freinds steal millions from AMERICA in taxes and jobs.”
And when you point out that Bill Clinton signed NAFTA they will immediately switch to Bush Sr and CAFTA. I know I’ve tried.
Bush Derangement Syndrome is alive and spreading it’s “love”.
“lets compare apples to apples.”
This ought to get hilarious!
“Is it necessary fro white husbands to start disappearing, their wife’s not come home for white families to understand the separation & Destruction of families? Yes, this is race thing. Look at the protest and not a the ploys of justification”
Like this mess of a letter for instance. :)
“By enraging Hispanics, Mexicans, and Central Americans they are making them more susceptible to participate with America’s enemies.”
Seems the person inciting people here is you buddy. :)
But now, SB1070 is going to lead to home  grown radical hispanic terrorists! Beware! :(
Remember, Liberals NEVER EVER USE FEAR TACTICS!! :)
“Cuba, Venezuela and Al-Qaida countries will entice hispanics to join a venture that racism in America forced them into. Look at it from the outside looking in.”
Ok, well, let’s see, the great vast majority of terrorist attacks in this country (and around the world) are Islamic radicals.
But this administration can’t even utter that. So instead the next wave of terrorists will be Hispanics who convert Islam and become radicalized because of SB1070.
My head hurts.
“Hispanics are aware that in order to win a big war, the big war must be fought. Hispanics have a legal right to arm themselves just like they are a legal right to vote. The whole world is watching but most importantly GOD is, also…

“Jeremiah 9:24
but let him who boasts about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight” declares the Lord.
Lord have mercy I feel the light of truth coming my way after reading this!
No, sorry, that’s just a bullet train! :)
Jermiah 9:23
23Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:  24: but let him who boasts about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight” declares the Lord.
Just a little context for you. :)
And remember, early in this letter the write said of the supporters of SB 1070: “Just Like the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood”. Even Hitler and Saddam thought they were doing GOD’s will. They talk more about hell than heaven and prey on people’s fears”.
And yet, the writer pulls out the God Card themselves.
And from one of the protesters:
Mireya Chavez Cerna, 43, an illegal immigrant who works as a maid, marched with her 9-year-old son, who was born in the United States and wore a shirt reading “Made in America.”
She denounced the climate of fear in the state and said immigrants like her could not abide the wait of a decade or more for a legal visa while their families grow hungry.
“Do you think we would risk losing our lives crossing the border if we didn’t have a need to come here for a better life?” she said. Supporters of the law “don’t know,” she added. “They don’t understand. They don’t live in Mexico. They don’t know how it is.”
So why don’t you stand up against that oppression?
Oh, right, they’ll just imprison you or kill you. Silly Me. :)
“The point was to be here for this march to show support for these folks, then we’re out,” said Jose Vargas, a union representative for New York City teachers. “We’re not spending a dime here.” (AP)
They reported rented a warehouse and had cots to sleep on because they didn’t want to spend any money in the racist hotels!
So who’s warehouse was it? :)
Hit and Run  Moralism at it’s finest!

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