
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Power

In his victory speech, {Rand} Paul applauded the tea party movement and issued a stern warning to the political establishment: “I have a message, a message from the tea party, a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words: We’ve come to take our government back.”

“The tea party movement is about saving the country from a mountain of debt that is devouring our country and that I think could lead to chaos,” Paul said grimly, laying in to President Barack Obama for his participation in last year’s Copenhagen summit on global warming and accusing Obama of trying to “apologize for the industrial revolution.”

A political science professor in college taught me a very valuable lesson about politics.
It’s about power.
Not the money.
The money facilitates the power.
So the more money you have the more likely you’ll get the power you seek.
So you always need more power.
More power begets more money.
And more money begets more power.
But it is power that is the ultimate goal.
And the more power the better.
Which explains a lot about Liberalism and their need to control everyone and everything and make them do what they want, when they want, because they want.

And will explain the focus of the Liberal media last night as well.
Last night on MSDNC, for example, it was all about the PA special election for the late pork-king John Murtha’s seat.  The Democrat won that seat, by acting like a republican by the way, and thus they hold that seat.
That power was the most important thing to Mr “tingle up my leg” Chris Matthews and his array of liberal elite pundits.
That and the “establishment” Republican in KY lost to a “teabagger” (a liberal pejorative) which they consider a good thing because they believe they can beat him easier than the old line establishment candidate. So they were happy.
It was about advantage. Political advantage.
Meanwhile, over at MSDNC’s arch enemy, FOX, it was about the people. The people’s anger.
Arlene Specter, who was a Republican for 30 years but switched parties last year for sheer sake of re-election was soundly defeated by another Democrat because of that switch. His opponent beat him up with it.  Specter was supported from a far by the President.
His opponent sounded very “tea party” anti-establishment but that was just for the purpose of winning.
What will be interesting is that opponent now has to face the Republican in November, but he got here sounding like a Republican. So he’ll have to veer left now. Just like the President did in 2008.
So will that lead to his demise?
The dreaded flip-flop!
Time will tell.
Then  there was the race in Kentucky where Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul, a “tea party” Republican beat the establishment’s candidate.
Blanche Lincoln in Arkansas is in a run-off for the Democrat nomination because she wasn’t far left-enough but was also one of the key votes for Health Care.
MSDNC really didn’t care much about this one because they felt that neither Democrat was strong enough to win in November so it didn’t really mean anything to them.
The Liberals took no notice of Health Care’s unpopularity at all.

FOX focused on the message of the people.
MSDNC was focused on the power.
It couldn’t have been more stark if you tried.

“When [Republicans] were in charge, we doubled the deficit, and now with Democrats in charge, they’re tripling the deficit,” Paul said. “What the Tea Party says is there’s bipartisan blame to go around for the deficit and we have to do a better job.”–Rand Paul
Exactly. A Pox on both of your houses.
Now, let’s do something for the people. Not the political Elite.
Problem is, the Political Elite own the majority of the Media, The Congress, And The White House and they won’t go quietly, FROM EITHER PARTY.
Power is the drug, and boy are they addicted. Heavily addicted.
The White House is absolutely, positively correct that there is a divide between America and Washington – but what they fail to appreciate (or, more likely, they appreciate it but want to fake-out the press) is that Washington, D.C. now belongs to Barack Obama.
Just as the student radicals of the 1960s became the tenured faculty of the 2000s, so the worm has turned in the District of Columbia. The gates have been crashed and the one-time insurgents are now comfortably ensconced as the establishment. And with the health care bill, Mr. Obama and his band of former rebels have enacted an extremely unpopular law that they cannot possibly blame on the old guard (But boy they still believe it and try to sell it that way). George W. Bush may have “forced” Barack Obama’s hand on the stimulus, but Dubya had nary a thing to do with the health care bill.
This is why President Obama was wrong to equate the election of Scott Brown to his own victory, and why he’s wrong to push this story now. He is the ultimate insider now. That snappy “Hail to the Chief” he hears every time he walks into a room should be sign enough of this fact.
The White House likely knows this. They just don’t want us talking about how Obama can’t save a single high-profile candidate from a purple or blue state. They don’t want us to realize that his coattails have been torn and frayed by the choices he’s made in the last 17 months.
So focus on the race not the horses. The nags from “the people” and the Thoroughbred from “the establishment”.
The “teabagger” vs Washington Elites.
But in general elections, the dynamic will be very different. Republican challengers and incumbents will tar their Democratic opponents with a simple characterization: “A vote for my opponent is a vote for Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s agenda.” Democrats will have no such claim to make against Republicans.(RCP)

But the Liberal Media will come up with something, hopefully more convincing than “the party of no” because, guess what, We The People ARE the Party of NO.
NO more spending like drug addicts after a new high.
NO more government takeovers, bailouts, and patronage to cronies.
NO more government debt piles for the sake of piling.
The National Debt has gone up 3 Trillion Dollars in the 17 months of this administration!
It went up 5 Trillion in 8 years under Republicans.

On a lighter note: Rick Bayless, the Chicago superstar chef, (and winner of Top Chef Masters last year, The king of all Mexican food in America) was Twittering from the White House kitchen about today’s Obama White House state dinner honoring Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his wife, Margarita Zavala. Until the Tweets stopped. The White House kitchen is for cooking, not Tweeting.
The White House press operation wanted to downplay the glamor aspect of the state dinner; these are tough economic times. (Chicago Sun-Times)

And undoubtedly, at dinner, Obama will apologize for Arizona being unhappy with all the Mexican illegal immigrants, drug dealers, coyotes, mafia and gang wars going that the Mexican government practically throws at us.
After all, it disgraceful that we are upset about it. :(
And the same can be said for the political elite in Washington. They are annoyed that these uppity people want to spoil their power trips.
Well, I say it’s time to pull the plug and replace the light bulbs.
This election is too important for you not to care.

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