
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's a Rough Life

Reportedly, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napalitano spends lots of time at the Opera, in The President’s box. (WW)
It’s much better than reading The AZ immigration Law.
Or Securing the border AGAINST Illegal Aliens.
You just put out alerts that known islamic radical recruiters may try and cross the border.
Even when you can’t call them “radical islamists”, and barely utter the word “terrorist”.
And you aren’t planning on doing anything about it anyhow.
You give Obama the idea to make the same show piece “look ma, I’m doing something” move by sending 1,200 troops to sit around and do paperwork but make it look like your “securing” the border.
It worked, so you thought, when you were Governor. So why not do it again, but on a grander scale.
Kind of like the Opera.
After all, last year you said the terrorists you were worried about were “right wingers” and military people, OUR military people.
Who cares about actual terrorists.
Certainly not our Big Sis.

Then, the latest spin from the White House on the Joe Sestek case, that they took nearly 2 weeks after the primary (and 3 months after Sestak first said it) where he defeated Obama-backed Arlen Specter, to say that the offer they made to him which would have been a crime if it was quid pro quo goes like this, according to the White House…
Rahm “Never let a crisis go to waste” Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff, asked Bill Clinton to ask Joe Sestek if he’d be interested in an “non-compensated” Government promotion (of sorts).
And so, the report this morning that former President Bill Clinton was tasked by White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel to make such an approach to Rep. Joe Sestak — allegedly offering him an unpaid advisory role on an intelligence board in exchange for getting him to drop his primary bid against Sen. Arlen Specter (Pa.) — would not normally raise much of a stir in official Washington.
That the story has become a major controversy, a regular fixture on cable news chat shows and a momentum-killer for Sestak following his come-from behind victory against Specter in last week’s Pennsylvania primary is evidence of how the White House mishandled the controversy, according to conversations with several high-level Democratic strategists.
“How do you make something out of nothing?,” asked one such operative who was granted anonymity to speak candidly about the matter. “By acting guilty when you’re innocent.”
Another senior party official said that the White House “has a lot of egg on their face” and described the events as a “PR nightmare”.
So they couldn’t even handle this without screwing it up. And you want to trust The Supreme Court, Health Care, Congress, and the nations future to these nuckleheads?!
But you have to admire Obama for choosing Bill Clinton as the patsy. You have a President that was impeached (just not removed from office) for PERJURY as your star player!!
And, his biggest rival, Hillary, has another, “Oh, Bill…” moment to deal with.
Very savvy.
So I wonder what Bill Clinton got out of it?
So, no gentle readers, I don’t buy this lipstick on this pig.
If it was this ing simple and you could off-load it onto Bill Clinton why the hell did you wait so long?
Why all the stonewalling?
Because they were working on this “explanation”. They had to manufacture it.
It had to sound plausible so that even the Liberal Media that was hounding them would buy it.
That’s why.
Kind of like the Administration protestation that they were on the Oil Spill from “Day One” but never mentioned it until Day 8.
And Never, to this day, have even acknowledged the 500-year flood in Tennessee.
Other than knowing it’s where Al Gore was from, do they even know where it is?
And why was that not a crisis?
Nothing to exploit, apparently.
So will Bill Clinton be behind the Oil spill and the Birth Certifcate also?
Ah, shucks… :(
Allies of the White House argue that the Sestak situation was less PR blunder than conscious choice to accept some short term pain for long term gain (or at least less long term pain).
Their argument is that the White House could have pushed out an answer to the Sestak job controversy quickly but, in so doing, would have run the risk of not having all the facts of a relatively complex situation straight — making it a real possibility that they would be bludgeoned by the press if there was a mistake or inconsistency in the original statement.(Washington Post).
They had to get their story straight first, and hide the bodies and the evidence….:(
Kind like that fishy story of Obama going to see his “grandmother” very unexpectedly during the campaign when the Birth Certificate was a hot issue and then the Officials in Hawaii comes out says “there’s not thing see here!”
It’s smells rotten.
At Least Obama has one Clinton willing to throw down his “honor” for the cause though.
Hey Bill, Can I get you to….
Aw, Shucks, Barack… :(
Congressman Darell Issa (who has been pushing for a Special Investigator):
“The White House has offered a version of events that has important differences from what Congressman Sestak has been saying for months – that he was offered a ‘job’ by ’someone in the White House’ in exchange for leaving the Pennsylvania Senate race.
“I’m very concerned that…the White House has…worked to craft a story behind closed doors and coordinate with those involved.”
“The White House has admitted today to coordinating an arrangement that would represent an illegal quid-pro-quo as federal law prohibits directly or indirectly offering any position or appointment, paid or unpaid, in exchange for favors connected with an election.
“..Regardless of what President Clinton or Congressman Sestak now say, it is abundantly clear that this kind of conduct is contrary to President Obama’s pledge to change ‘business as usual’ and that his Administration has engaged in the kind of political shenanigans he once campaigned to end.”
Now, if only he could get BP, Illegal Aliens, and that “laser like focus on Jobs” to go away so he could enjoy his “vacation” in Chicago and then get back to taking over more industries and destroying more “greedy” capitalist!
Damn, he needs to play more Golf while Rome burns! :)

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