
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Saturday, July 10, 2010

The 1995 Prophecy

It’s January 2nd, 1995.
In two days the Republicans will control the Congress for the first time since 1955.
And they will squander it badly.
But it had such promise.
Much like our “Hope and Change” President.
Though, I knew there was no hope with him and the change was to be socialism.
But his spin machine, plus a complicit Media brought us The Anointed One.
But something else happened on January 2nd, 1995 (or thereabouts depending on TV Schedules).
That was the week of syndication for the first half of the Third Season 2-Parter for  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine “Past Tense”.
I could go on for ages on how, of the modern Star Trek’s, it’s vastly superior but that’s not why this I’m writing about it in my blog.
I just saw this episode again, probably the first time in 15 years.
And it just screamed “OBAMA!!!” loudly. Very loudly.
Excerpt From the Synopsis of Part I:
En route to a symposium in San Francisco, Sisko, Dax and Bashir are lost during transport to Earth from the Defiant. The trio materializes in San Francisco, but in the year 2024. Apprehended by a pair of policemen, Sisko and Bashir are taken to a “Sanctuary District” — a gated area of the city where homeless, mentally ill and unemployed people are locked away from the rest of society.
Separated from the others, Dax is found by a prominent businessman named Chris Brynner, who takes her to his office and helps her obtain the ID card necessary to exist in this society. Dax doesn’t reveal where she comes from, but tells him that her friends are missing. Meanwhile, in the Sanctuary District, Sisko and Bashir are taken to a processing center, where no records of their existence are found. Sisko learns the date and realizes that they have arrived just days before a crucial event in history, the Bell Riots, which occurred in the area of the city where he and Bashir are now confined.
Sisko tells Bashir that residents in the District will take hostages, but a man named Gabriel Bell, after whom the riots were named, will sacrifice his life to save them. Hundreds of innocent people will be killed during the riots, but Sisko and Bashir can do nothing, or this pivotal moment in history, which led to sweeping social reforms, could be altered forever. Later, Sisko and Bashir are given ration cards to obtain meals and sent out to find a place to sleep among the abandoned buildings.
Part II : Sisko joins Webb for the meeting, where they demand that all Sanctuary Districts be closed and the Federal Employment Act reinstated…
It’s 2024 San Francisco, a whole section of the city has been blocked off and wall off, housing anyone who doesn’t have a job. Containing them so they are out of sight and out of mind. And there are 100′s of them across the country.
And all they want is a job.
But because of “tough economic times” there aren’t any so they are put away so that the people on the outside can live it up and forget about them.

Welcome to ObamaLand and the President’s “laser like focus” on Jobs.
You spend nearly $4 Trillion dollars you don’t have because the last guy “bankrupted” the country (according to you even 18 months later) saying if we do it everything will be fine.
Unemployment is still nearly 10%.
The likelihood that the % of unemployed who have given up is around 20% is plausible.
Businesses are not hiring because you and the Congress are openly hostile to business.
You want to wreck the economy of the Gulf  States because of your mad on environmentalist agenda against Big Oil.
You want to crush the Appalachian States because you hate Coal.
You want to crush the Border States because you don’t want to enforce National Security. You want cheap voters.
And you just appointed a socialist to the head of Medicare by recess appointment when Congress wasn’t in session so you could avoid the sticky problems of dealing with it.
And the Taxes in 2011 will crush what’s left of any “recovery”.
And Business knows all this.
You know all this.
But your Agenda is more important.
So how long before these “sanctuaries” are built to avoid dealing with the issue??
They may not be a literal, physical structures as in the episode, but how long?
Or are they already here?
It’s easier for many to just suck at the government’s breast on unemployment (extended for 2 years now) than deal with getting a job, if they can find one.
8 Millions jobs have disappeared. Never to come back, according to the VP.
The only real place job growth is happening is in the government public sector and unions (also mostly government).
So the government gets fat. You don’t.
Everyone was a rich government bureaucrat and no one was poor, at least no one worth talking about (to mutate a line from Douglas Adams).
During the last Immigration “debate” in 2007 the Democrats loudly proclaimed (and some still do) that there were jobs Americans wouldn’t do, so hiring illegal aliens as slave labor was a better idea.
Now in 2010, is that really the case?
Well, if unemployment checks are better than finding a job. Sure, why not sit around on your ass and watch Oprah and collect your “free” money. It sure beats working.
Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Tom Corbett “One of the issues, and I hear it repeatedly – one of the individuals said, ‘I can’t get workers. People don’t want to come back to work while they still have unemployment.’ They’re literally telling him, ‘I’ll come back to work when unemployment runs out.’ That’s becoming a problem.”
Corbett added, “The jobs are there. But if we keep extending unemployment, people are just going to sit there …  I’ve literally had construction companies tell me, I can’t get people to come back to work until…they say, ‘I’ll come back to work when unemployment runs out.’”
So you have segregated these people off, and you pay them off to go away and not bother you.
Problem is, you’re already 13 Trillion Dollars in debt and going higher every day and it costs money to pay these people off.
Eventually, you will have to stop.
Then you could have a real mess.
“Cash for Clunkers” raised auto sales until the program ended then they went back down.
House Buying went up with rebates. When the rebates ended, they went back down.
Now what?
You’re still an administration that is very, very hostile towards business.
“Where is the hostility?” John Heilmann, columnist for New York Magazine, asked with incredulity. When Zuckerman responded that the administration deals with businessmen as shady characters trying to rip off the middle class, Heilmann simply called it rhetoric.(MSNBC)
So all that demonizing of businesses, CEO’s, and Wall Street as rip-off artists is what them?
The White House has launched a coordinated campaign to push back against the perception taking hold in corporate America and on Wall Street that President Barack Obama is promoting an anti-business agenda.
The key word is “campaign”. The only mode this administration has.
Obama has been happy to be seen by voters as cracking down on Wall Street but those efforts have had an unintended result: feeding a sense that the president and his party are indifferent or even actively hostile toward big business, whether those businesses are Silicon Valley tech companies, Midwestern manufacturers or Main Street small businesses.
And it is more than just politics: Obama’s aides believe confidence in the general direction of White House policy has an effect on the willingness of corporations to hire, invest and push the economy toward a more solid recovery.(Politico)
So You blame it on your predecessor and get your complaint friends in the media to go along with it, AGAIN.
The reason you don’t have a job is that it’s George W Bush’s Fault.
The fact that he hasn’t been President for 18 months and all your economic promises have imploded is irrelevant.
It worked the last time, so it will work again.
President Obama stumping For Senate Majority Harry Reid this week, in Nevada where the unemployment rate is 14%, the highest in the nation.
When we took office, amid the worst economy since the Great Depression, we needed Harry’s fighting spirit. We had lost nearly three million jobs during the last six months of 2008. Over 750,000 jobs in January of 2009 alone — the consequence of a decade of misguided economic policies; a decade of stagnant wages; a decade of falling incomes.
So our first mission was to break the momentum of the deepest and most vicious recession since the Great Depression. It was to stop the freefall; and to get the economy and jobs growing again.
And digging ourselves out of this mess required making some tough decisions — decisions that weren’t all popular. But Harry was willing to lead those fights because he knew we had to change course; that to do nothing; to simply continue the policies that were in place, would mean an even greater disaster. And to fail to act on some of the great challenges facing our country would mean a lesser future for our children and grandchildren.
As a result of those tough steps, we are in a different place today. Our economy is growing, instead of shrinking. We have gained private sector jobs for each of the past six months, instead of losing them. Almost 600,000 new jobs.
Anyone having a Flashback to 2 years ago??
And those 600,000 jobs- they almost exclusively Government jobs.
“I know we’ve been through tough times, Nevada. And I can’t promise you the difficult days are all behind us. I can’t promise you there won’t be more times to come. But I can promise you this: we are headed in the right direction. We are moving forward. And I am absolutely confident that if we’re willing to keep on moving forward, and if we refuse to turn backward; if we’re willing to show a little of that same fighting spirit Harry Reid has shown throughout his career; then we will make our way through these storms, to brighter days ahead.”
Deja Vu’ all over again.
It’s The 2008 Presidential Campaign: The 2010 Sequel. But it sounds exactly like the original.
At what point does it become counter-productive happy-talk?
This new poll from James Carville’s Democracy Corps firm is bad, bad news for Obama:  When asked if they thought the president was a socialist, 55 percent of likely voters said yes. Only 39 percent said no.
And James Carville is hardly a right wing conspirator. :)
Obama is pandering to minorities, especially Hispanics. He panders to the Unions.
He panders to his peeps.
Screw everyone else. He just uses platitudes and rhetoric.
A virtual “wall” perhaps?
Isn’t funny how fiction has likely caught up with reality.
The Truth is truly stranger than fiction. :)

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