
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Friday, July 30, 2010


This ditty would be unbelievable if you were are a sane, rational person, but we are talking about The Left: (

Teaching "Kids" Graffiti to Protest SB1070
Unbelievable! I'm not sure what I'm more flabbergasted by:
1) That they would teach kids to use graffiti to protest;
2) That the YWCA thinks a class mixing 13 and 24 year old "kids" is a good idea;

3) That the YWCA has a "Racial Justice Director."

So I wonder how many of the graduates of this course are down by the Madison street jail chaining themselves to Jail??
But don't worry, And no indoctrination was applied.
It wasn't "biased" and it was "fair". :)
At a demonstration Wednesday in Mexico City against Arizona's law. ASSOCIATED PRESSAt a demonstration Wednesday in Mexico City against Arizona's law. ASSOCIATED PRESS
 Mexico's government gloated triumphantly after a federal judge's injunction blocked Arizona's immigration law. But it's no victory for Mexico. In fact, Mexico's leaders ought to be mortified.
As radical immigration activists crowed with glee and the Obama administration claimed victory, Mexico's government joined the applause.
Calling Judge Susan Bolton's injunction Wednesday "a step in the right direction," Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa declared: "The government of Mexico would like to express its recognition for the determination demonstrated by the federal government of the United States and the actions of the civil organizations that organized lawsuits against the SB 1070 law."
First, Mexico encourages illegal immigration to the U.S. Oh, it says it doesn't, but it prints comic book guides for would-be illegal immigrants and provides ID cards for illegals once they get here. In Arizona alone, Mexico keeps five consulates busy.
That's not out of love for its own citizens, but because Mexicans send cash back to Mexico that helps finance the government.
Instead of selling its wasteful state-owned oil company or getting rid of red tape to create jobs in Mexico, Mexico spends the hard currency from remittances. It fails to look at why its citizens leave.
According to the Heritage Foundation-Wall Street Journal 2010 Index of Economic Freedom, Mexico's big problem is — no shock — government corruption, where it ranks below the world average.
That's where Mexico's cartels come in.
Mexico's encouragement of illegal immigration undercuts its valiant war against its smuggling cartels. The cartels' prowess and firepower have made them the only ones who can smuggle effectively across the border. U.S. law enforcers say they now control human-smuggling on our southern border.
Feed them immigrants and they grow more cash-rich — and right now, immigrant smuggling is about a third of the cartels' income. (IBD)
And the remittance payments have to continue so it's not in the government's interest to REALLY do something.

But we, the ones who are against illegal immigration are the racists and the nazis! :)
Imagine this being said by ANYONE other than a Liberal:
President Obama waded into the national race debate in an unlikely setting and with an unusual choice of words: telling daytime talk show hosts that African-Americans are “sort of a mongrel people.”

The president appeared on ABC’s morning talk show “The View” Thursday, where he talked about the forced resignation of Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod, his experience with race and his roots.

When asked about his background, which includes a black father and white mother, Obama said of African-Americans: "We are sort of a mongrel people."

"I mean we're all kinds of mixed up," Obama said. "That's actually true of white people as well, but we just know more about it."
Obama noted "there's still a reptilian side of our brain" that leads people to not trust others "if somebody sounds different or looks different."

But we, crackers, are the the racists!!! :)
This, also from the View, is hilarious : "My hope is that I've tried to set a tone in the debate that says, 'Look, we can disagree without being disagreeable,'" Obama said.
Bwah Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
And I'm sure in his own mind he believes it. Cognitive Dissonance is rampant of the Left.
Another "hope" crushed. :)
So we need change in November. :)

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