
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Democrat Strategy Part II: Voting

“When the right-wing noise machine starts promoting another alleged scandal, you shouldn’t suspect that it’s fake — you should presume that it’s fake, until further evidence becomes available,” columnist Paul Krugman wrote in The New York Times.

So you wonder why the Liberal Media won’t cover or covers up stories like Rev. Wright, The Black Panthers Case, ACORN scandal, etc.
Or at least they won’t cover it like “journalists” actually would.
They are the Ministry of Truth after all.
So now we come to the Vote.
Supposed to be the most sacred act in America.
Unless you want to win by any means necessary that is. The end justifies the means.
So cast yourself back to 2000.
VP Al Gore has won the popular vote but not the Electoral College.
Forget all the crap about “hanging chads” and focus on the Electoral College.
Liberals have been fuming mad about this for 10 years.
Yes, it was the first time in nearly 200 years that this occurred. But it happened to THEM.
The vastly superior Liberal Progressives. That can’t be allowed to stand.
Problem is, it’s in the Constitution.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution specifies how many electors each state is entitled to have and that each state’s legislature decides how its electors are to be chosen. U.S. territories are not represented in the Electoral College. The Electoral College is an example of an indirect election.
Citizens vote for electors, representing a state, who are the authorized constitutional participants in a presidential election. In early U.S. history, some state laws delegated the choice of electors to the state legislature. Electors are free to vote for anyone eligible to be President, but in practice pledge to vote for specific candidates and voters cast ballots for favored presidential and vice presidential candidates by voting for correspondingly pledged electors.

And here’s where the Liberals want to corrupt the process.
The Electoral College is there to prevent the most populace states for running roughshod over the smaller states. Everyone gets a proportional vote.
But the liberals have been pissed that they lost to George W Bush in 2000 in the Electoral College ever since.
Not for any other reason that pure partisanship.
And now they want to subvert it, for pure partisanship. Along with other tactics to cheat to win.
It’s called euphemistically, The National Popular Vote Bill.
And it has begun in liberal states.
Under the proposed law, all of the state’s electoral votes would be awarded to the candidate who receives the most votes nationally.
Supporters are waging a state-by-state campaign to try to get such bills enacted. Once states possessing a majority of the electoral votes (or 270 of 538) have enacted the laws, the candidate winning the most votes nationally would be assured a majority of the Electoral College votes, no matter how the other states vote and how their electoral votes are distributed.
Illinois, New Jersey, Hawaii, Maryland, and Washington have already adopted the legislation, according to the National Popular Vote campaign’s website.
It sounds innocent enough, doesn’t it? But that’s just the apple. There is a donkey-shaped snake in this garden.
This effort began innocently enough several years ago when a few law professors were doing what some might say they do best: engaging in mental gymnastics, apparently just for the fun of it. Or maybe as a part of a continuing effort to see who can outdo the other, coming up with imaginative ways to legally do something that was supposed to be illegal. Could they come up with a way to eliminate the Electoral College without actually amending the Constitution?

Remember this isn’t about changing the Constitution. This is about manipulating it.
Keeping the system, but pass laws that gut it and hollow it so it means nothing.
Then you have, Amnesty for 12 million new Democrats.
You have ACORN, busted for voter fraud.
Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes made a jaw-dropping announcement to attorneys in Justice’s Voting Rights section. She said she would not support any enforcement of a key section of the federal “Motor Voter” law — Section 8, which requires states to periodically purge their voter rolls of dead people, felons, illegal voters and those who have moved out of state.
You have The New Black Panther Voter Intimidation case that the Dept of Justice refuses to handle.
“We’re not interested in those kind of cases. What do they have to do with helping increase minority access and turnout? We want to increase access to the ballot, not limit it.”
Access for minorities that is…
Last year, Justice abandoned a case it had pursued for three years against Missouri for failing to clean up its rolls. When filed in 2005, one-third of Missouri counties had more registered voters than voting-age residents. What’s more, Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, a Democrat who this year is her party’s candidate for a vacant U.S. Senate seat, contended that her office had no obligation to ensure individual counties were complying with the federal law mandating a cleanup of their voter rolls.
The case made slow but steady progress through the courts for more than three years, amid little or no evidence of progress in cleaning up Missouri’s voter rolls. Despite this, Obama Justice saw fit to dismiss the case in March 2009. Curiously, only a month earlier, Ms. Carnahan had announced her Senate candidacy. Missouri has a long and documented history of voter fraud in Democratic-leaning cities such as St. Louis and Kansas City. Ms. Carnahan may now stand to benefit from voter fraud facilitated by the improperly kept voter rolls that she herself allowed to continue. (WSJ)

So you have a Dept of Justice that will go after Arizona for Illegal immigration enforcement but will ignore voter fraud and voter intimidation.
You have a Justice Department that isn’t interested in the rule of law, but the rule of ideology.
You have the Propaganda of the Liberal Media that has now been absolutely been proven to be manipulating the facts for their own agenda.
The SEIU thugs (who beat up a Tea Party activist last year and got away with it, by the way)
Class Warfare rhetoric.
Race Wars (getting minorities to vote against “crackers”– aka Republicans)
“You’re a Racist” if you disagree.
The DISCLOSE Act that would restrict corporations (aka non-liberals mostly) and favor Union speech again.
And you have hundreds of thousands of  “illegal voters” out there that you refuse to clean off the books (i.e. the deceased, or felons, etc).
Pack the courts with activist Judges and liberal ideologues.
And you have the makings of a banana republic farce where you hold an election just to make it look like it matters but in point of fact you’ve rigged the outcome.
That would work for the progressive liberal superiority complex now wouldn’t it.
It’s “fair”. :)
They win every time. That’s “democratic” :)
Five states have so far endorsed this ill-advised scheme to skirt the Constitution: Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey and Washington (61 electoral votes). The latest fronts in this battle are Massachusetts (12 electoral votes) and New York (31 electoral votes). The Massachusetts House and New York Senate have both approved the bills, so approval by the Massachusetts Senate and New York Assembly would send the measure to the states’ respective governors. Both states could act at any time. Three other state legislatures have approved NPV, although the bills were vetoed: California, Rhode Island, and Vermont (62 electoral votes). The Rhode Island House later rejected the measure. These latter states remain important because of a lawsuit that could be filed in an attempt to overturn the vetoes.
If each of these states is included, NPV could have as many as 166 electoral votes in favor of its scheme. It needs 270 to essentially eliminate the Electoral College. NPV is close to success, yet because of the manner in which it is seeking change, the vast majority of the country remains completely unaware that the presidential election system is so close to such radical change.

So you secretly line up your forces.
That’s very “democratic” isn’t it :)
The country can’t conduct one coherent national election when there are 51 different sets of state and local election codes in place. Today, the variance among state election laws is irrelevant because each state (plus D.C.) need accomplish nothing more than elect its own slate of electors. In essence, Americans conduct 51 different elections and expect 51 different sets of results. NPV, by contrast, expects to smash these 51 sets of laws into one completely national result. It won’t work. Instead, the resulting chaos will make Florida 2000 look like a picnic. (

So I guess the federal government would have to come and have “supremacy” in order to have an orderly election process and ensure it was “fair” for all. :)
And it would bring “order” to the “chaos”…

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