
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Rise of The Eco-Migrant

The nuts on The Left are really getting desperate.
Global Warming crashed and burned with Climate gate where the corruption on the issue was exposed.
But the Left, losing on the immigration issue has come up with a new one.
If you don’t love illegal immigrants now, you’ll have even more because of GLOBAL WARMING!
So if we embrace global warming and illegal immigration we will be just fine. :)

Brought to you by National Geographic:

Disputes over illegal Mexican immigrants are already heating up in the United States, thanks in part to a new Arizona immigration law.
But global warming could bring the immigration issue to a boiling point in the coming decades, if a new study holds true.
According a new computer model, a total of nearly seven million additional Mexicans could emigrate to the U.S. by 2080 as a result of reduced crop yields brought about by a hotter, drier climate—assuming other factors influencing immigration remain unchanged.
“The model shows that climate-driven refugees could be a big deal in the future,” said study co-author Michael Oppenheimer, an atmospheric scientist at Princeton University in New Jersey.

Study co-author Oppenheimer acknowledged there are many uncertainties in his team’s model. But it’s important for scientists to investigate climate change-induced migration quantitatively, he said.
“This is the first time anybody’s built a model to do this,” Oppenheimer said. “It’s a simplification, and there are a lot of assumptions, but it’s the start of a learning process. As we learn more, the model will improve, and the numbers will get more reliable.”

You know what they say about assumptions. :)
And we’re just shooting in the dark and it’s complete speculation and it’s over simplified.

“The takeaway message for me of this study is that there is indeed a relationship between changes in crop yield and the movement of people,” Smit said. “And to the extent that future climate change will introduce more of those stresses on yields, we can expect more pressures on the movement of people.”

It’s the birth of the ECO-Migrant!!
No Illegal Immigrants. No more Undocumented Immigrants. No more just plain Immigrants. They are now ECO-Migrants!!
Oh Dear!
Now if we deny them we are harming them AND the environment at the same time!!
OH NO!!!
Where’s my barf bag?….

In some sense, it may not matter whether the study is right or wrong.
The University of Ottawa’s McLeman, for example, argues that many of the things the U.S. could do to help Mexico adapt to global warming will also help improve the quality of life for many of Mexico’s poor.
“A lot of the things that we could be doing are things that we should be doing anyway,” he said.
“Even if it turns out that our future projections about climate change impacts aren’t right, it’s still a good investment. I don’t see any downside to it.”

Come down here and say that ya Canuck!

So it doesn’t matter if we are right or wrong, we should just do it anyways!
But if we can scare people into doing it, so much the better! It’s the right thing to do.

Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission said Monday it is sending inspectors to U.S. border crossings to monitor deportations that might result if Arizona’s new immigration law goes into effect as planned Thursday.
The law is being challenged by the U.S. government in court, but the federal judge hearing the case hasn’t indicated whether she might agree to the challenge’s request that the measure be put on hold.
The government’s rights commission said monitors will be stationed at border gates in Tijuana across from California, Nogales next to Arizona and Ciudad Juarez and Reynosa across from Texas to ensure migrants are treated properly.
The implementation of the Arizona Law SB1070 represents a threat to migrants’ full exercise of their human rights,” the commission said in a statement. “The law violates the principles of nondiscrimination, equality before the law and freedom from arbitrary arrest.”

Go back to my blogs on Mexican Immigration law and lets compare apples to tomatillos. :)

And the bad economy and the anti-business attitudes are not to blame for stores closing in Phoenix, it’s SB1070!!
At least according to the open borders LA Times and their latest sob story of evil racist Arizona.
Every time a customer buys some of the large fabric tote bags from the Dollar Store at 43rd Avenue and Thomas Road, Najmuddin Katchi sees another piece of his business vanish.
The purchase of the briefcase-sized shoulder bags means that another one of Katchi’s customers, mostly Latino immigrants, is packing to leave the state before what is touted as the nation’s toughest law against illegal immigrants takes effect July 29.

Katchi’s store isn’t the only business suffering. The vast shopping center that holds his small shop is almost empty. The Food City supermarket closed this spring. Then the furniture shop. Then the pizzeria.
It’s not the economy, it’s racism! It’s Global Warming!
It’s F*cking Maryvale! a part of Phoenix known for crime and poverty and the like.
A shift in police philosophy included embedding Phoenix Gang Unit officers in the precinct, placing more sophisticated resources regularly in what one crime analysis described as “an area saturated with gang members.(Wikipedia)
Guess what kind of Gangs….Come one, guess… :)
The giant apartment complex across the street, once brimming with tenants, is two-thirds vacant. Katchi is behind on his rent.
And it’s all them damn racists fault!
It couldn’t be because Maryvale is a crappy neighborhood now could it?
Nothing to do with 10% unemployment, debt, deficits, and bad economic policies. Nope, not that!
It’s Racism!
It’s Global Warming!
“The business is broken,” said Katchi, who has operated his shop at this intersection for 14 years. “After the 29th of July, what happens? Maybe I have to close the store.”
One Note: I am sorry to see a person lose their business but in this town that has been going on on a large scale for 3 years now. A Food City (a lower-end supermarket) near to me closed. Was that because of racism?
No that was a year ago. And it was because the city condemned all the houses in the immediate area and that killed the business. And the Checker Auto Parts and several others.
So the argument is specious, but it’s typical of a liberal media biased story that is more about emotion than logic and facts.
Where I live the housing boom was at it’s peak and you can see where it came to screeching halt.
Was that SB1070? Or the economy.

For the last 20 years, Arizona has been one of the fastest-growing states in the nation. It depends on an expanding population to power its economy, which relies heavily on the construction of new houses.
And guess what the “anyone with a pulse can buy a house” Liberals did to it?
And still do to it because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and their “toxic” assets and policies were completely ignored by the recent financial reform which is supposed to prevent this from happening again. So by ignoring the real problem, it won’t happen again. :)
At the corner of 43rd and Thomas, it’s hard to determine how much of the neighborhood’s woes stem from Arizona’s immigration laws and how much from the state’s economy, battered by a once red-hot housing market that cooled.
But the whole point of writing this is to say the point is evil racists and SB1070, so don’t wimp out now.
Katchi’s revenue was already sagging before April 23, when Gov. Jan Brewer signed SB 1070 into law. Since then, sales have plummeted.
And of course this is logical correlation. NOT!
In adopting the legislation the state embarked on a grand experiment — trying to drive out hundreds of thousands of its residents by what the law calls “attrition through enforcement.”
Yeah, that was written into the law…right…
“The economy’s already bad, but on top of it [SB 1070] is like a bullet in the head to us,” said Osameh Odeh, 35, whose Eden Wear clothing store was empty one recent afternoon. “People don’t come out of their houses anymore.”
We’re going to get you my pretty and you’re little dog too! :)   <>
But hey, if they want to go somewhere else and be some else’s problem, I say don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. How about LA,SF, Denver or New Mexico they love you there.

The law requires police to check the immigration status of people they lawfully stop and also suspect are in the country illegally. Civil rights groups and the Obama administration have sued to stop the law from taking effect, and a federal judge heard arguments in the case Thursday.
The departure of illegal immigrants, proponents of SB 1070 argue, can only help Arizona’s economy.
Works for me.
But we still have to secure the border first.
And just to round out the sob stories they throw in racial profiling and the tag at the end of the article:
“They don’t want Mexicans,” she said. “So we’ll leave.” (a legal Mexican-American shop owner).
No Journo-List bias here.
Twelve percent of second-generation Latino voters in the state say they support S.B. 1070, according to a recent Latino Decisions poll. That jumps to nearly 30 percent in the fourth generation.
Jesse Hernandez, a second-generation Mexican-American, a product of public housing and a proud Phoenix Republican, is one of those in Arizona who favor the law.
Hernandez says he knows many Latinos who feel just like he does.
“I just don’t like the fact that they’re going to say that an American Latino has the same concerns as a Latino from Mexico. No, we don’t,” Hernandez says.
Hernandez says his Mexican-born parents came to the U.S. after years of waiting at the border to secure papers. He says illegal immigrants need to get in line, just like they did.
“We don’t have time to be marching down the street waving the Mexican flag saying we want rights,” he says. “Because you know what? We did it the right way, and we have rights.”
“It’s like an African-American person forgot that two or three generations ago they were unable to vote, and they are direct descendants of slaves.”– one SB1070 opponent said.
The key here being generations ago.  NOT NOW.
I love how Liberal want to abuse the past to further their own politics–at least when it’s in their own interest that is and they can play the guilt card– but we won’t talk about how the Democrats  (especially Southern Democrats) were the one holding up the Civil Rights legislation in the 1960′s. Nope won’t go there. :)
So what we have is more emotion over logic and more hyperbole over facts.
But now have a new breed of excuses for illegal immigration, Environment- both economic and Global.
Rejoice, now not only are you a racist, but a heartless  and ignorant environmental destructor who wants to see the economy get even worse if we do something about ILLEGAL ENTRY into this country.
Isn’t that good to know. :)

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