
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.



Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Countdown Begins

And I wholeheartedly agree… :)
Every fringe loon, union thug, and race baiting whacko is going to be on parade for the Ministry of Truth to pump up their race war today and probably for awhile.
And add in their Class Warfare and you see where this going.
But the main thing will be the sanctimonious “outrage” and the freak show of crazies (aka “protesters”) that will be paraded out like they are the second coming of Martin Luther King and Gandhi.

But this was interesting:
Sir Elton John has waded into the debate over a new immigration law in Arizona, condemning artists who boycott the state over the controversy.
Acts including Rage Against the Machine, Kanye West and Maroon 5 are all refusing to perform in the state until officials reverse the controversial legislation.
But John has refused to join the protest and he reportedly slammed the campaigners during a concert at the Tucson Arena.
According to the Arizona Daily Star, John told the crowd of 8,800: “We are all very pleased to be playing in Arizona. I have read that some of the artists won’t come here. They are (expletive)”
“Let’s face it: I still play in California, and as a gay man I have no legal rights whatsoever. So what’s the (expletive) with these people?”(FOX)'

CNN: The protests will include busloads of labor union members from Los Angeles who oppose Senate Bill 1070 because they believe it promotes racial profiling,
They plan to dare law enforcement in Phoenix, Arizona, to put SB 1070 to the test, according to Maria Elena Durazo, one of the organizers of the rally.
“We will not be carrying ‘papers,’ ” said Durazo, of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO. “We will let them know we are coming, and we will tell them: Arrest us for being brown or black, arrest us for being suspicious.”
Union Thugs and crazies. Just what we need. :(

The protesters include immigrant students, religious leaders, day laborers and members of several unions including the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, the Teamsters and the Utility Workers of America Union.

The far Left Phoenix New Times: If ever there was a time for people to raise freakin’ hell in this city, July 29 is the day. As we all know, that’s when SB 1070, Arizona’s new “breathing-while-brown law” is slated to start harassing Latinos….

So you think you can reason with the Left still?? :)
Think the Mainstream Media even cares about it’s Journo-List bias?
Now if there is a decision later today, if it’s not a total repudiation of SB 1070 the whackos will stay.
Even then, they’ll just party like is 1799.
The rhetoric and the distortions are at insane levels.

There are even idiots on the left who are going on about the 1993 Super Bowl Controversy as evidence we have been this racist state for years.
Naturally, facts don’t dent the sanctimonious emotional rhetoric of the left.
It would be nice if you mentioned in regards to the Super Bowl Controversy years ago that:
a) The Governor, Ev Mecham was a DEMOCRAT.
b) He was an idiot who got impeached.
c) He was fond of calling blacks “Pickaninny “
d) and he insulted asians and everyone he could find.
e) HE says his AG told him he could get sued (hmmm…) if he allowed the holiday. That was crap, but that was his reason.
I guess they left that out.
Funny that….
So as the crazies and the baiters converge to have their Sanctimony Hate Fest we can be secure in the knowledge that our Lords and Masters at the Federal Government who wish their will to be the only will that they will protect us. :)
So what if they want everyone to ignore the problem. It’s not our place to question their authority to rule over us.
They can tell us what we can eat, where we can live, what we can say, when we must die for the greater good because they are just so much better than us and so much more powerful.
It’s all good.
Your Lord and Master Big Brother Barack and Big Sis Janet says so.

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